CHC $16.56 AUD 4.15% 17 February 14:38 AEDT, delayed by 20 mins.

Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT (ASX:CQE)

Here you will find the Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT's annual reports, full year and half yearly financial results, teleconferences and other reports and presentations related to the trust.

Key Dates & Events


Half Year Results11 February 2025 at 9:00am AEDT


Properties delivering essential community services

CQE owns a diversified social infrastructure property portfolio that delivers predictable and growing returns.


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Half Year 2025 Results

CQE’s $2.1 billion property portfolio is in a strong position with a long WALE of 11.9 years, 100% occupancy and significant rental growth potential. Recent market rent reviews on 15 properties delivered a 16.4% increase, highlighting the under-rented nature of CQE’s childcare portfolio. Active portfolio curation remains a key strategy for CQE to deliver earnings and distribution growth. 

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Registry – MUFG Corporate Markets

Registry – MUFG Corporate Markets

Fund administration

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Locked Bag A14, Sydney South, NSW, 1235

Investor Relations

Investor Relations


For information regarding the management, property portfolio and performance of the REIT.


Important Information

Charter Hall Social Infrastructure Limited ACN 111 338 937; AFSL 281544 (“CHSIL”) has issued this information in its capacity as the responsible entity of Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT ARSN 102 955 939 (“CQE"). This information has been prepared for general information purposes only and is not an offer or invitation for subscription or purchase of, or recommendation of, securities. It does not take into account any potential investors’ personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before investing, you should consider your own objectives, financial situation and needs or you should obtain financial, legal and/or taxation advice. For more details on fees, see CQE’s latest annual report. The information has been prepared by CQE in good faith. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability or completeness of any statements, estimates, opinions or other information contained in this presentation, any of which may change without notice. This includes, without limitation, any historical financial information and any estimates and projections and other financial information derived from them (including any forward-looking statement). Nothing contained in this information  is, or may be relied upon, as a promise or representation, whether as to the past or the future. To the maximum extent permitted by law, CQE (including its respective unitholders, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, affiliates and advisers) disclaim and exclude all liability for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by any person as a result of their reliance on the information contained in this presentation or any errors in or omissions from this presentation. This presentation contains information as to past performance of CQE. Such information is given for illustrative purposes only, and is not – and should not be relied upon as – an indication of future performance of CQE. The historical information is, or is based upon, information contained in previous announcements made by CQE to the market. These announcements are available at This information contains certain “forward looking statements”. Forward looking words such as “expect”, “should”, “could”, “may”, “will”, “believe”, “forecast”, “estimate” and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are in some cases beyond CQE’s control. These risks, uncertainties and factors may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements and from past results, performance or achievements. CQE cannot give any assurance or guarantee that the assumptions upon which management based its forward-looking statements will prove to be correct or exhaustive beyond the date of its making, or that CQE’s business and operations will not be affected by other factors not currently foreseeable by management or beyond its control. Such forward-looking statements only speak as at the date of this announcement and CQE assumes no obligation to update such information. All information contained herein is current as at 31 December 2024 unless otherwise stated. All references to dollars ($) are to Australian dollars, unless otherwise stated.