Charter Hall
Here you will find information relating to unit prices, distributions, taxation and fund liquidity.
Existing investors can access information on their holding through InvestorServe, a secure online facility hosted by the registry, Boardroom. Investors can view details of their holding, update personal information or communication preferences and download historical statements or correspondence.
If you are having trouble accessing InvestorServe or you aren’t registered yet, call the registry on 1300 137 895.
The Ordinary Unit class is open for investment.
The current buy spread is nil and the current sell spread is 2.5%.
Please note, the unit price is placed on hold at certain times, including during the time taken to process distributions and while independent valuations are being finalised.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. For more information see the Product Disclosure Statement.
The fund's distributions are payable monthly in arrears approximately 15 days after month end (except for June and December distributions which are payable approximately 20 days after month end). Distribution rates are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
PFA's historical distributions can be found below. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Australian and New Zealand resident investors may reinvest all of their distribution entitlement for Ordinary Units. Any distribution reinvested will be invested at the ex-distribution entry price prevailing on the last day of the period. As at July 2023, there is no Buy Spread and a 5% discount to the Entry Price for reinvested distributions.
Download historical distributions
The fund's year end for taxation purposes is 30 June, at which time the net income and the components of the distribution are determined. The total annual distribution is advised in the Annual Tax Statement, mailed to investors in August.
To access your Annual Tax Statement please login to InvestorServe or contact registry.
Withholding tax to be applied to foreign investors
The Charter Hall Direct PFA Fund is a managed investment trust for the purposes of subdivision 12-H of the Taxation Administration Act. These estimated components are provided solely for the purpose of subdivision 12-H and should not be used for any other purpose.
Distribution history for the purpose of Subdivision 12-H
Taxation Guide
A taxation guide has been produced to assist investors in completing their income tax return. The guide provides general information only and should not be relied on, and does not constitute taxation advice.
The Fund remains open and has five-year investment terms. This information is for investors looking to redeem their investment.
As per the product disclosure statement dated, Charter Hall Direct PFA Fund provides Limited Withdrawal Offers and Liquidity Events.
Limited Withdrawal Offers
Limited Withdrawal Offers are intended to be made every six months, subject to the Fund having available liquid assets. Limited Withdrawal Offers are notified via the quarterly report and published on this website.
An investment in the Fund should be considered illiquid between Liquidity Events. Limited Withdrawal Offers are a secondary, limited, mechanism for Investors to redeem Units and should not be relied upon to provide liquidity. They are generally satisfied on a proportionate basis, with Investors receiving only a percentage of their requested withdrawal amount.
There are currently no Limited Withdrawal Offers open. Limited Withdrawal Offers are not currently being made, given that the 2022 Liquidity Event for PFA is ongoing.
Liquidity Events
Liquidity Events will be offered every five years. Subject to its obligations at law, the Responsibility Entity will endeavour to provide liquidity for all investors wishing to redeem all or some of their investment.
The 2022 Liquidity Event is progressing, but not yet complete. Redemption requests will continue to be satisfied on a proportional basis until they are satisfied in full. The Fund is continuing to explore opportunities to divest assets to meet requests received and currently expects requests to be satisfied in the second half of 2024.
The next Liquidity Event is expected to occur in August 2027 and all investors will be notified at that time.
General information about liquidity
PFA is an illiquid investment and is not open to daily withdrawals.
When a Limited Withdrawal Offer or Liquidity Event is open, a form will be available on this website. Please note that withdrawal or liquidity forms are not general and are specific to each offer.
When participating in Limited Withdrawal Offers or Liquidity Events you can go online to InvestorServe to confirm that your form has been received or you call the registry on 1300 137 895 to request confirmation of receipt. Any forms received after the close date will not be valid
The amount you receive when you participate in a Limited Withdrawal Offer or Liquidity Event is the number of units you redeem multiplied by the unit price as at the date of payment, less any sell spread. All offers maybe cancelled, deferred, scaled back or suspended in exception circumstances. Refer to the PDS for further details.
PFA pays distributions monthly, generally on or around the 15th of the month. For further information go to the Distribution section of the Investor Centre page.
PFA has rolling five year investment terms.
The fund was relaunched in August 2017 with an initial term ending in or around August 2022. Following the conclusion of the initial term, the fund will have rolling five year terms.
A unique identifier issued by APIR® to participants and products within the financial services industry. PFA’s APIR® code is MAQ5880AU (Ordinary units) and PFA0001AU (Original units issued prior 16 August 2017).
PFA is not open to daily withdrawals.
PFA is an illiquid investment and investors should expect to redeem their investment in the fund only when it is wound up or when there is a Liquidity Event.
As per the fund's product disclosure statement, PFA provides Limited Withdrawal Offers and Liquidity Events.
Limited Withdrawal Offers are intended to be made every six months, subject to the fund having available liquid assets. Liquidity Events will be offered at the conclusion of each five year investment term.
Please refer to the Liquidity section of the Investor Centre and the product disclosure statement for additional information.
Units in PFA are also transferable and investors may elect to sell their units privately.
We cannot assist investors to find a buyer for their units. However if an investor does find a willing buyer and negotiates the sale of their units, a standard transfer and application form will need to be completed by each party and sent to our registry for processing. Forms are available for download on the Documents & Forms page.
A Limited Withdrawal Offer is a way for us to assist investors who wish to access their capital by offering an opportunity to redeem their investment.
As per the PFA product disclosure statement, Limited Withdrawal Offers are intended to be made every six months, subject to the fund having available liquid assets.
Charter Hall intends to notify investors of upcoming Limited Withdrawal Offers via the quarterly report. Additional details will be published under the Liquidity section of the Investor Centre.
To participate in a Limited Withdrawal Offer, investors will need to complete a withdrawal form and submit completed forms to the registry for processing. Withdrawal forms will be made available for download in the Investor Centre once a Limited Withdrawal Offer has opened.
To check correspondence has been received, please go online to InvestorServe at any time. Alternatively, you can call our registry on 1300 137 895 to request confirmation of receipt. Please ensure you provide your investor number when making any enquiries about your investment.
Any forms received after a Limited Withdrawal Offer has closed will not be counted or valid and will not receive a redemption.
The amount you receive from a Limited Withdrawal Offer will depend on the total value of all requests received. As a result, the amount you receive may be less than the amount you have requested. If the total value of requests from investors exceeds the amount available, you will receive a percentage of your requested amount.
Unfortunately PFA does not currently have the ability to offer withdrawals based on hardship.
The option to reinvest your distributions is only available to Australian or New Zealand resident investors and only applies to PFA Ordinary Units. Please refer to the Distribution section of the Investor Centre and the product disclosure statement for additional information.
You are required to provide written notification to note the death of an investor on our register.
The death of an investor can be notified by sending either:
Please also send new bank account details with the written notification if they are required.
Once the notification has been made, there are two options: apply to redeem the investment or keep the investment by transferring it to a surviving holder or beneficiary.
Option 1: Apply to redeem the investment
From July 2021, a deceased estate's holdings can be redeemed at any time, subject to certain limits, including a maximum request of $500,000 per investor per fund. The following entities are eligible to make a deceased estate redemption request:
The following entities are not eligible for deceased estate redemption requests:
If eligible to request a redemption, please complete the Deceased Estate Withdrawal Request Form (Direct) and provide all required supporting documentation described in the form. Please note, all supporting documentation relating to notification of a deceased estate must be certified copies.
Redemption requests are reviewed at the beginning of each month. If the request is approved, payment will usually be made around 30 days after approval is granted. Redemptions will be processed on or around the 15th of each month using the unit price that day minus the sell spread. It is not possible to backdate a request.
Deceased estate redemptions may be cancelled, deferred, scaled back or suspended in exceptional circumstances such as where it is impracticable to offer liquidity or it would not be in the best interests of remaining investors for liquidity to be offered.
Please send all documentation to the Charter Hall registry team at
Information for financial advisers
For investments held on wrap platforms, the redemption request can be managed by the wrap platform directly using the Deceased Estate Withdrawal Request Form (Wrap) or you can transfer the investment off wrap to a direct holding and deal with Charter Hall directly. Please contact your local BDM for further information.
Option 2: Transfer the investment to a surviving holder or beneficiary
If you are ineligible to request a redemption, your application to redeem is not approved or you wish to keep the investment for other reasons, you need to transfer the investment to a surviving holder or beneficiary. Please see below for what to provide depending on the holding type.
Individual account (Australian unitholding) with probate:
Individual account (Australian unitholding) without probate (only possible if the holding is valued at less than $20,000):
Joint account or joint executors of a super fund (Australian unitholding):
Sole Director of a Company:
Contact our registry on 1300 137 895 for further information on administering a deceased estate or for information on overseas unitholder or company matters.
You may speak to your financial adviser, other professional adviser, our registry Boardroom and/or Charter Hall.
Alternatively you can log on to Charter Hall InvestorServe or contact our registry on 1300 137 895 for account or administrative issues including:
You can also call the unit registry for assistance with logging into InvestorServe on 1300 137 895.
The value of your investment can be calculated by multiplying the number of units you hold by the fund’s current unit price. You can find the number of units you hold on your distribution or transaction statement and the latest unit price can be found on the investor centre page for the relevant fund.
Alternatively, you can log on to Charter Hall InvestorServe or contact our registry. Please ensure you have your investor number when requesting this information.
Annual taxation statements are mailed to investors in July/August for each separate investment held. The annual taxation statement shows the taxation components of the distribution payments made throughout the year. Investors should wait to receive this statement before lodging their tax return. Please contact your tax adviser should you have any questions on the information contained within the taxation statement.
To notify a change of your details, please log on to Charter Hall InvestorServe. Alternatively, please advise our registry in writing using the relevant form based on your circumstances. Registry forms are available for download on the Documents & Forms page.
Please note the important requirements you should attach to your completed change of details form, as appropriate:
Change of name by marriage:
Change of name by divorce:
Change of name by deed poll:
Change of company name:
Forms are to be returned to:
Boardroom Pty Limited
GPO Box 3993
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1300 137 895
Yes, a transfer takes place when you decide to sell all or part of your investment to another person or entity.
A transfer is a change of ownership of units within the same fund. A separate standard transfer form is required to transfer your holding for each registered holding.
Please seek financial advice.
The standard transfer form can be found on our Documents & Forms page.
Please note that when a transfer takes place, our registry treats this as a new holding, even if it is a simple name change with the same trustees or company directors. Therefore all banking details, tax file numbers, Australian business numbers (ABNs) and adviser details will need to be provided on the new transfer form.
If you do not provide your tax file number on your original application form, you can provide it at any time in the future. Please note it is not compulsory to quote your TFN, however withholding tax will be taken from any payments from Investors who elect not to provide their TFN. These investors will then be required to claim the withholding tax through their annual tax return. The tax file number form can be found on the Documents & Forms page.
If you are required to submit a certified copy of any original document, an authorised person needs to certify that the copy is a true copy of the original. A document can be certified by one of the following persons:
What must the certifier do?
The certifier must confirm the copy is certified as a true copy of the original documentation and clearly state their name, category and date of certification. An example of appropriate certification wording is:
“I certify this (and the following pages each of which I have signed/initialled) to be a true copy of the document shown and reported to me as the original.”
Please note certification is only accepted if within two years of the date of certification.
If you have appointed an adviser on the application form or by using the adviser appointment form, your investment may be subject to an adviser professional fee for service as mutually agreed and instructed to us on the form. The fee can be a percentage of the application amount or a dollar value. If no adviser is appointed there will be no fee deducted. Please contact your adviser for more details or our registry on 1300 137 895.
Individual taxation outcomes as a result of a withdrawal will depend on a number of factors including, but not limited to, exit price, length of investment, and the structure of the investing entity.
Charter Hall is unable to provide taxation advice. We recommend that investors seek taxation advice regarding any withdrawal proceeds.
Charter Hall Direct Property Management Limited (Issuer) confirms it has a legally compliant dispute resolution system that is, and will continue to be, available to retail clients who invest in the Issuer’s products via Investor Directed Portfolio Service (IDPS) or IDPS-like platforms, as if the investor was a direct investor. We confirm this includes a compliant internal dispute resolution procedure and membership of one or more dispute resolution schemes.
For enquiries regarding the management of a fund, including performance, strategic direction, property portfolio and new investment opportunities.
For information about your holding, including tax statements, distributions and changing contact or bank details.
The responsible entity of and issuer of units in the Charter Hall Direct PFA Fund (ARSN 097 860 690), (“Fund”) is Charter Hall Direct Property Management Limited (“CHDPML”) (ABN 56 073 623 784 AFSL 226849). CHDPML as responsible entity for the Fund has issued a product disclosure statement (“PDS”) dated 18 December 2024 and any supplementary PDS, which sets out the offer to apply for units in the Fund, and has made a target market determination (“TMD”) for the Fund (both of which are available at This website is not intended to be and does not constitute a PDS or disclosure document as those terms are defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). It does not constitute an offer for the issue, sale or purchase of any securities or any recommendation in relation to investing in any Fund and reliance should not be placed on this website as the basis for making an investment decision. The information in this website is general in nature and has been prepared without taking account of any particular investor's objectives, financial situation or needs. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this website, CHDPML does not make any representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of any statement in it, including without limitation any forecasts or opinions, and persons viewing this website should conduct their own inquiries and investigations. Performance information, opinions and estimates provided in this website are based on assumptions, contingencies and market conditions which are subject to change without notice, and may involve significant elements of subjective judgement and assumptions as to future events which may or may not be correct, and should not be relied upon as an indication of future performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Distributions are subject to risks outlined in the PDS and may vary in the future. The information in this website is subject to change, and updated information about the Fund can be found at To the maximum extent permitted by law CHDPML disclaims all liability for any loss or damage which may arise out of the provision to or by any person of the information contained in this website. All figures stated in this website are in Australian dollars unless otherwise stated. Each Fund has a unique set of characteristics suitable to different types of investors. If you are considering an investment in any Fund (or making a decision about continuing to hold units in any Fund) you should read the PDS, and any supplementary PDS, in its entirety and consider the information set out in the PDS in relation to the offer. The PDS sets out the benefits and features of the Fund and the risks of, and fees and costs associated with, investing in the Fund. You should also consider the TMD. You can request a copy of the PDS and the TMD, free of charge, by calling CHDPML on 1300 652 790, by visiting or by contacting your financial adviser. Applications for units in any Fund can only be made under the application form enclosed with the relevant PDS. As this website has been prepared without taking account of any particular investor's objectives, financial situation or needs, it is important that you consider the PDS for the offer and seek appropriate professional advice having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs before making any investment decision in relation to the offer or the Fund. CHDPML does not receive fees in respect of the general financial product advice it provides, however it will receive fees for operating the Fund, in accordance with the Fund’s constitution. Entities within the Charter Hall Group may also receive fees for managing the assets of, and providing resources to, the Fund which are generally based on the value of the Fund’s assets. For more detail on fees, see the PDS. Any investment is subject to risk, including possible delays in payment and loss of income and monies invested. You should read the PDS for a description of the risks associated with investing in the Fund. You should read the TMD for a description of the target market of the Fund. Neither CHDPML nor any of its associates, related entities or directors guarantee the performance of any investment or the repayment of monies invested. If this website states that any Fund has been rated or has received a rating, you should be aware that ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when deciding whether to invest in the Fund. © Charter Hall Group.