By proceeding you confirm that you are a resident of Australia or New Zealand accessing this website from within Australia or New Zealand and you represent, warrant and agree that:
Unfortunately, legal restrictions prevent us from allowing you access to this website. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail by clicking on the link below.
For general information or questions about your fund, please contact the Charter Hall Investor relations team:
Charter Hall Investor Relations
GPO Box 2704, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1300 365 585 (local cost)
Phone: +61 2 8651 9000 (outside of Australia)
Fax: +61 2 9221 4651
For general information or questions about your security holding, please contact our unit registrar.
Unit Registry
Link Market Services Limited
Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235
Phone: 1300 303 063 (local cost)
Phone: +61 1300 303 063 (outside of Australia)
When contacting the registry, you will need to quote your current address details together with your Securityholder Reference Number ("SRN") or Holder Identification Number ("HIN") as shown on your Issuer Sponsored or CHESS statements.
All personal information submitted will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy.
By registering and/or submitting personal data to Charter Hall, you agree that, where it is permitted by law and in accordance with our Privacy Statement or where you have agreed to receive communications from us, Charter Hall may use this information to notify you of our products and services and seek your feedback on our products and services. Please note you can manually opt out of any communications.
Charter Hall Social Infrastructure Limited as the responsible entity of the Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT (CQE) gives notice that the distribution for the quarter ending 30 September 2020 is 3.75 cents per Unit. The following dates apply to the distribution for the September 2020 quarter:
Ex-distribution Date: | 29 September 2020 |
Record Date: | 30 September 2020 |
Payment Date: | 21 October 2020 |
The Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP) will apply to this distribution with a discount of 1.5% to the average of the daily volume weighted average market price recorded on the ASX commencing on 2 October 2020 through to 15 October 2020. Unitholders
who wish to participate in the DRP are required to complete and sign their DRP application form and return it to CQE’s registry, Boardroom Pty Limited by 2 October 2020, to participate in this quarter’s DRP.
The September 2020 quarter distribution statement will be sent to all Unitholders by 31 October 2020.
Announcement authorised by the Board.
View announcement - click here
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All personal information submitted will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy.
By registering and/or submitting personal data to Charter Hall, you agree that, where it is permitted by law and in accordance with our Privacy Statement or where you have agreed to receive communications from us, Charter Hall may use this information to notify you of our products and services and seek your feedback on our products and services. Please note you can manually opt out of any communications.
© Charter Hall Group, 2024.