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Charter Hall Retail Management Limited, as responsible entity of Charter Hall Retail REIT (ASX:CQR) (CQR or the REIT) has successfully completed the Unit Purchase Plan (UPP) announced to the Australian Securities Exchange on Monday 8 April 2019 in connection with CQR’s $150 million institutional placement (Placement).
A total of approximately $14,733,137 was raised under the UPP, with 3,266,771 new units (“New Units”) to be issued to eligible applicants on Thursday 9 May 2019 at an issue price of $4.51 per unit (“Issue Price”). The Issue Price is the same as the price paid by institutional investors under the Institutional Placement. Given that the amount raised exceeded the expectation of $10 million, all applications will be satisfied in full.
The New Units will rank equally with existing fully paid units and will carry the same voting rights and entitlements to receive distributions. The New Units will be entitled to receive the distribution for the six months ending 30 June 2019.
Holding statements will be issued to eligible applicants on Friday, 10 May 2019.
View Appendix 3B (Issue of new units)
To read the document, click on the download link above.
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