Closed for Investment
Seniors Living Fund

Fund overview

Folkestone Seniors Living Fund No.1's investment strategy, is to own and develop high quality retirement living communities in Sydney by investing in operating facilities and/or partnering with quality operators to own and/or develop retirement living communities.

The Fund closed oversubscribed on 22 September 2016. The Fund raised $25.66 million and acquired its first asset, Watermark Castle Cove, an award winning retirement living community on Sydney’s lower north shore, the first asset for its seniors living platform.

Click here to view Watermark Castle Cove website.

Welcome to the Investor Centre

We are committed to keeping our unitholders updated on the Funds activities and providing them with access to information about their investment.

If you're a Unitholder, this section gives you access to:

Fund Overview

Fund Type

Closed end unlisted fixed term unit trust (7 year term).

Investment Strategy

To achieve superior risk adjusted returns by investing in high quality existing retirement living communities and/or partnering with co-investors to develop and ultimately own such communities in Sydney.

Forecast Investor Return

The Fund has a target equity IRR of 15.0% per annum (pre-tax, net of fees) on drawn equity over the term of the Fund.

Should the Fund only acquire Watermark Castle Cove, the Fund’s forecast total return is an equity IRR of 11.0% per annum (pre-tax, net of fees) on drawn equity over the life of the Fund.


The fund has a 100% interest in 58 existing ILAs, 18 ILAs under construction and 3 to be developed at Watermark, 8b Deepwater Road, Castle Cove, NSW.

NTA per Unit

Nil (as at 30 October 2020) (Un-audited)

Fund Term

22 June 2020 - Unitholders voted in favour of the sale of the Fund's freehold and leasehold interests. 

CH Equity

Charter Hall has co-invested 10% in the Fund.


YearQuarterNTA Per Unit
202030 OctoberNil (Un-audited)
202030 June1.21 (Un-audited)
202031 March0.87 (Un-audited)
201931 December0.87 (Un-audited)
201930 September0.87 (Un-audited)
201930 June0.94 
201930 April0.94 (Un-audited)
201931 March1.09 (Un-audited)
201831 December1.09 (Un-audited)
201830 September 1.09 (Un-audited)
201830 June1.09
201831 March1.06 (Un-audited)
201731 December1.07 (Un-audited)
201730 June1.07


View and manage your investments and registry details.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the Fund's NTA unit price?

The fund's NTA unit price may be found under the Investor Centre tab

How do I invest?

The Fund is a closed end fund not open for new subscriptions.

Is there a Redemption Facility for the Fund?

No redemption facility is available.

Can I sell my Units in the Fund?

A Unitholder can transfer Units in the Fund to another person by providing the Responsible Entity with a completed standard transfer form signed by both the transferor and the transferee. The Responsible Entity reserves the right to decline transfer requests in its absolute discretion including when a transfer is not completed correctly, is not stamped or if any one Unitholder would hold more than 20.0 per cent of Units. Tax implications could be associated with the transfer of Units. Unitholders should discuss their circumstances with their professional adviser before requesting a transfer.

How do I have payments paid directly to my bank or building society?

To receive your distribution payments by direct credit into your bank or financial institution account, or to change previously advised account details, you must provide written advice to the Unit Registry. In some cases, this advice can be provided online. Please refer to the Unit Registry for more details.

How do I change my investment details (e.g. name, address, method of payment, etc)?

To make changes to your investment details, written advice must be forwarded to the Unit Registry. In some cases, this advice can be provided online. Please refer to the Unit Registry for more details

How can I get another copy of my holding statement?

Send your written request for a duplicate statement to the Unit Registry. Please include the following information:

– Full name of the registered Unitholder, Unitholder Number, Name of the Issuer, the registered address of the Unitholder, Number of units held and the Signature of the registered Unitholder.

Please note that a charge may be levied for this service.

How can I give notification of my Tax File Number (TFN)?

Advice of TFNs can be given in writing to the Unit Registry or lodged online via the Unit Registry’s website. You can download a TFN notification form from the Unit Registry’s website. You may choose not to provide your TFN, however if you do not provide your TFN your distribution will be taxed at the highest marginal rate.

When will I receive updates on my investment?

If you invest directly into the Fund, and not via an IDPS, master trust or wrap account, the Responsible Entity will provide you with a:

– Confirmation Statement – specifying details relating to your investment or redemption; Regular Reporting – a quarterly report updating the Fund’s operations and updates on major activities about the Fund;

– Distribution Statement – a quarterly distribution statement detailing the distribution amount, payment date;

– Annual Report and Audited Accounts – an annual report and audited accounts for each 12 month period ending 30 June; and

– Tax Statement – an annual tax statement setting out the Fund’s tax position each year.

The regular reporting including the Annual Reports and Audited Accounts will be available on this website and will be sent electronically to you if you have elected to receive it via email. Hard copies of these reports will not be sent out unless you have requested on the Application Form or in writing to us.

Where can I get an Annual Report for The Fund?

You can change how you receive annual reports by contacting our unit registry on 1300 303 063.


How can I choose to receive or no longer receive the Annual Report?

This can be requested by writing to the Unit Registry.

How do I contact the Unit Registry?

The Unit Registry’s contact details are as follows:

Boardroom Pty Limited
GPO Box 3993, Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone: 1300 737 760
Facsimile: 1300 653 459


When will I receive my annual tax statement?

A tax statement for the tax year to 30 June is mailed to all Unitholders who have held an investment in the Fund during that financial year. The tax statements are typically mailed out six to eight weeks after 30 June each year.

The tax statement summarises the distributions paid during the year and includes information required to complete your annual tax return such as the tax advantaged component of the distribution.

Does the Fund hold an Annual General Meeting?

The Fund is not required to hold an Annual General Meeting unless it chooses to do so.

How do I contact the Manager?

Go to the Contact Us component of this web page or use the details below:

Charter Hall FLK Funds Management Limited 


How can I log on to view information of my holding in the Fund?

Do I have to tell you when I change financial advisers?

You are not obliged to advise us when you change financial advisers, however to ensure that your adviser is able to obtain information regarding your investment, it is best that you do notify us.

A letter confirming your new adviser’s details, signed by all security holders should be sent to the Unit Registry.

How should I deal with a deceased estate?

To change the holding into the name of the estate a certified copy of the death certificate and will or probate (if required) will need to be sent to Investor Services to be noted on the register.

Please contact our Unit Registry for further information on administering a deceased estate.


The following forms are available at

  • Annual Report Election
  • Change of Address
  • Direct Credit Authority
  • Non Market Transfer – Unlisted Funds and Structured Products
  • TFN, ABN or Exemption Notification


The information contained on this webpage is of a general nature only and does not constitute financial product advice. This webpage has been prepared without taking account of any person’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of that, each person should, before acting on this webpage, consider its appropriateness, having regard to their own objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consult a professional investment adviser before making any decision regarding a financial product. This is not an offer to invest in the Folkestone Real Estate Income Fund at Wollongong. Investment in the Fund can only be made by completing the application form for the Fund within the Fund’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). None of FLK, FFM or any of their respective associates, related entities or directors guarantee the performance of the Fund or the repayment of monies invested.





For information about your holding, including tax statements, distributions and changing contact or bank details. 

GPO Box 3993 Sydney, NSW 1223
International: + 61 2 9290 9600

Investor Relations

Investor Relations

FLK Funds Management ltd.

For questions about Charter Hall FLK Funds Management Limited.

Important Information
This information has been prepared by Folkestone Seniors Living Management Limited (ABN 46 29094185092) (AFSL 238506) ("FSLML") for information purposes only. This website is not an offer to sell or a solicitation or an offer to subscribe or purchase or a recommendation of any securities referred to herein and the information has not taken into account any potential investors' personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before investing, you should consider your own objectives, financial situation and needs or you should obtain financial, legal and/or taxation advice.
FSLML does not receive fees in respect of the general financial product advice it may provide, however they will receive fees for operating the schemes of which it is the responsible entity ("Schemes") which, in accordance with the Schemes' Constitutions, are calculated by reference to the value of the assets of the Schemes. Entities within the Charter Hall Group may also receive fees for managing the assets of, and providing resources to the Schemes. For more detail on fees, see our latest annual report. To contact us, call 1300 365 585 (local call cost)