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Charter Hall WALE Limited as responsible entity of the Charter Hall Long WALE REIT (ASX:CLW) (the REIT) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the following components of the fully underwritten equity raising of approximately A$261 million (Equity Raising) announced on 16 August 2019:
The retail component of the offer (Retail Entitlement Offer) will open on 22 August 2019 and is expected to raise approximately A$41 million.
The Placement received strong demand from new and existing institutional investors. 25.0 million new securities will be issued under the Placement at an issue price of A$5.20 per security (Issue Price). Securities issued under the Placement will settle on 29 August 2019, with allotment and normal trading on 30 August 2019. Securities issued under the Placement will rank equally with existing CLW securities and will be entitled to the distribution for the three months to 30 September 2019.
CLW confirms that, pursuant to Listing Rule 7.1, the Placement is within its existing placement capacity and does not require securityholder approval.
Institutional Entitlement Offer
The Institutional Entitlement Offer was well supported by existing institutional securityholders with approximately 99% take-up by eligible institutional securityholders. The shortfall under the Institutional Entitlement Offer also attracted strong demand from both existing and new securityholders. Approximately 17.3 million securities will be issued under the Institutional Entitlement Offer at the Issue Price.
Settlement, allotment and normal trading of securities issued under the Institutional Entitlement Offer will occur on the same timetable as the Placement. Securities issued under the Institutional Entitlement Offer will also rank equally with existing CLW securities and will be entitled to the distribution for the three months to 30 September 2019.
Retail Entitlement Offer
The Retail Entitlement Offer will open on 22 August 2019 and close at 5:00pm (AEST) on 2 September 2019. Eligible retail securityholders who hold securities in the REIT as at 7:00pm (AEST) on the record date of 20 August 2019 and have a registered address
in Australia or New Zealand (Eligible Retail Securityholders) will be invited to participate in the Retail Entitlement Offer at the Issue Price.
Further details on the Retail Entitlement Offer will be provided in the retail offer booklet which will be mailed to Eligible Retail Securityholders.
Recommencement of trading
CLW securities are expected to resume trading on the ASX from market open today (19 August 2019).